The best beast of the island.

Look at this cat, isn’t he incredible?

A grey cat with large pupils stares at the person standing behind the camera from inside a bath tub.

He has chewed the straps of my sports bra in half. Twice. That is incredible.

He has also chewed off and swallowed the knotted end of a hoody drawstring. The knot remained in his belly until he yakked it up three days later. But before his puke revealed what had been wrong with him, his loss of appetite on day one was so disconcerting that Yann and I wasted a hundred dollars on a visit to the vet. Incredible.

Even after this ordeal, he still finds hoody drawstrings irresistible. He’s incredib…ly infuriating.

Aanyway, aren’t these dog ownership-level problems?

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