The Incident.

I like an excuse to eat chocolate for breakfast.

This is the dark chocolate & red berries variety of Love Crunch granola. The red berries are mere specks. The dark chocolate… is not there. I looked at the window in the bag, but I did not see a single piece. I looked inside the bag and shook the bag too.

There is no chocolate! Sometimes, when things like this happen, I just take the L because I don’t like dealing with customer service. Fortunately, the folks at Nature’s Path took me seriously.

Albeit a little too seriously.

Continue reading “The Incident.”

Achieve the stars.

While in Vancouver, I asked Kristen, “Who’s the hottest character in Lord of the Rings?”

“Hmm… good question!”

Is it, though? I can’t even take credit: Zoée initiated it. I answered young Bilbo, but I’d forgotten about Aragorn. I hope that doesn’t mean Jordi will insist on me sitting through his annual LOTR marathon. I like the movies. They’re excellent movies. They’re fucking long, though, and I won’t be ready to commit to 12 hours of watching a stressed-out Frodo chase a ring anytime soon.

Jordi and I are also watching The X-Files. It’s not a show I watched when it was airing. I was a bit too young and alien-phobic when the series started. So far, the episodes are a hit or a miss. The makeup artistry is aggressively bad, except for the 2nd episode of the 2nd season. The show’s budget went towards their top-notch stunt drivers. Were Mulder’s collection of neckties intentionally ugly? I don’t know, but the truth is out there.

My latest accomplishment in Breath of the Wild is slaying my first Lynel. I was rewarded with a sweet bow that fires three arrows at once and hooves. So that I can make glue? No, to trade with one of the moaning fairies who’ll upgrade an item of clothing.

This is my latest real-life accomplishment…

Continue reading “Achieve the stars.”